Clean energy in 2 minutes.

With Arcadia, wherever you live, whether you rent or own, you can power your home with 100% renewable energy for only $5/month. No changes, installations, or commitments required. Plus, get $35 off your first bill when you sign up.

As seen in

How it works

Arcadia makes it easy for anyone — homeowners, renters, and businesses — to support clean energy.

  • Enter your zip code and select your power company.
  • We'll sync with your power company.
  • All your electricity will now come from wind and solar farms.
Arcadia Member
I’m really grateful to have an account with Arcadia... It’s one simple step to make the switch, and all of us taking that one step, starting today, this week, this month, means we can contribute to a livable future for the generations to come.