Take the sustainability challenge

Whether you’re looking to jumpstart your eco-friendly resolutions or just want to try something new in the new year, we’ve got you covered.

Your actions make a difference

The climate crisis can feel enormous, and you’re not alone if you’ve wondered, “Does anything that I do really matter?” We’re here to tell you that yes, it does. If all of us do a little to cut our carbon footprints and demand change, we’ll make a lot of impact.

Get started with four weeks of eco actions

  • This challenge, should you choose to accept it, will give you three actions every week to boost your sustainability and cut your carbon footprint at home.
  • Sign up and download the challenge calendar to get started.
  • Complete the tasks at your own pace! The climate fight is a marathon, not a sprint.
Member, clean energy community
I don't have children of my own but this planet will exist long after I am gone. I want it to be a place that it is safe to live on.

More sustainability tips

Community solar is a way to support solar energy and save on your power bill without installing your own solar panels.

What if we told you that you can go solar even if you rent your home — because all you need is a power bill? It’s true.

We have good news. When it comes to energy, the sustainable choice is also the choice that will save you money.

Sign up for solar and savings